
xMAP® Connect Amsterdam 2024

Want to share your work at xMAP® Connect — Amsterdam?

Abstract submission guidelines:

Abstracts should include all of the items listed below and are limited to 3,000 characters (approximately 500 words), not including spaces:


▪️ A title                                                                                                                                                    ▪️ The author(s) and institution(s) involved
▪️ An introductory sentence indicating the purpose(s) of the study
▪️ A brief description of experimental methods or procedures
▪️ A summary of your new or unpublished data
▪️ A sentence about the conclusion(s)
▪️ A statement about which xMAP® product(s) your study/method used and why you used them

The poster must be an A0 size and formatted in portrait mode.

The deadline to submit your abstract is October 1th, 2024. If you have any questions about submissions or the event, email at

Agreement Upon Submission

By submitting an abstract, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

I agree to present a poster describing this work at xMAP Connect—Amsterdam if my abstract is selected. This submission has been approved by all authors and serves to grant Luminex an irrevocable license to use the abstract and poster in connection with the xMAP Connect meeting. The author(s) accept sole responsibility for the statements in their abstracts and posters. The author(s) warrant this content is their own and is 100% original work; is not subject to, and does not infringe upon, the rights of any third parties, including without limitation privacy or publicity rights; and is not derogatory, obscene, or otherwise illegal.

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